Sunday, November 1, 2009

HELLLOOOO Sunday.....

Hope you had a GREAT Halloween! OH my gosh have I been busy this weekend!! With an extra hour to play on Sunday I have left no hour unturned! On top of delivering both kids to Birthday parties today, I have managed to play with my sewing machine, cover 4 chairs, and shop for a few hours at Walmart and Micheal's so I could play with my new sewing machine!! Then I have ALMOST finished my Craigslist desk to go in my little booth! Here are some photos....

First this morning I recovered our 4 dining room chairs. As you can see they were just a mess from the kids spilling and dropping things on them as toddlers. I have tried to keep them clean over the last few years, but they have just become stained and I could look at them like that no longer!

I got the new fabric for $24.00 on remnant sale. It covered 4 chairs and 2 bar stools(i will tackle the bar stools this week). I thought it was a GREAT deal!
Hubby Installing the new seats back to the chairs
Just Beautiful!


I have just about finished my craigslist desk that I got a few weeks ago. I feel like I paid too much for this desk originally, but I am feeling abit better now that it is done and I will be able to get my money back out of it I know. I am VERY happy with the way it came out!


  1. so glad you signed you for the clipboard giveaway.....I love your blog and will visit often....thanks so much and good luck.


  2. OHHH LOVE the Clipboard!! Thanks for visiting! I am loving it!!!
